Wednesday 30 May 2018

It's looking like an NDP victory

Pictures are worth 1000 words: 

Clearly the PCs have, once again, managed to lose the lead by making poor decisions - in this case the choice of Doug Ford as leader. Many voters, especially women, desperately do NOT want as our Premier by saying no to 'Trump Light'. Not only that, the voters are, this election, putting 100% of their vote criteria as 'leader popularity' {likeability/credibility}, as this quote so well puts it:

"The main trend in voter support over the course of the campaign has been that “vote intentions are aligning almost perfectly with leader positives,” Guy said. At the beginning of the campaign, respondents’ appreciation of Horwath was higher than their intention to vote NDP. Their opinion of Ford and Wynne was lower than their intention to vote PC or Liberal. Since then, voting intention has shifted to match opinions of the leaders. “Very little else is penetrating, including whatever issues are in the news cycles,” Guy said." [from same article as graph]

This is an unfortunate development. It means that individual candidates, platforms, economic realities/business associations and the track record of any party no longer matter. In other words, we are back to the bad old days of leader worship - this is a very dangerous path for democracies. We see this trend around the world where ' a strong man/woman' is in charge to 'firmly set things right'. yuk. Life is too complicated these days for such simplifications.

The only good news I see so far is that Mike Schreiner, our GPO leader, is in lead in Guelph, and thus stands a good chance of being the first Green MPP in Ontario ! 

Next posting: Welcome to the Nani State: Cradle to Grave you are now being taken care of by your best friend - the government


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