Poor Bahamas - what the Scientists said would come is already starting.....
Poor Bahamas - what the Scientists said would come is already starting.....

Hurricane Dorian: Bahamas death toll expected to be 'staggering'
I know that for most people when Scientists talk about the grave risks of the climate crises it is too abstract, far away and in the future.But it's not.
It real. It's here [Nova Scotia will get some damage as well]. It's now.
So, all of us need to wake up and make the needed lifestyle and value changes that will allow our kids to enjoy the same high quality of life that we oldies have.
When I started as a Green Party candidate in 2007 I was told that our issues were side issues and that we would never win any seats.
Well, sadly, our 'scare mongering' is now happening - besides, it was never about fear, it was about the courage to face reality and not live in our delusions.
But the good news is that we are WINNING seats across Canada - we hold the balance of power in BC and are the loyal opposition in PEI !
So, stay optimistic and full of courage and together, with ALL Canadians [human and non-human], we can and will take on the challenge of the climate crises together.
So, let's roll up our sleeves and get on with the job so we can avoid more headlines like this one:
Hurricane Dorian: 70,000 in 'immediate need of lifesaving' help in Bahamas – as it happened

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