Monday, 4 June 2018

Smile! The Election is almost over

Schreiner continues to lead in Guelph according to latest poll

GUELPH, ON [June 3] -- According to the latest Mainstreet Research polls released today, the Green Party of Ontario leader has extended his lead in Guelph to 32.3%.
 If the trends continue in this very tight race, this would be the first election since 1948 in which four different parties are elected to the provincial legislature.
 “The success of this campaign is due to people power. Volunteers are pouring into our offices to knock on doors, make calls, put up lawn signs and do everything possible to bring the Green Wave to Guelph on June 7,” said Schreiner.
 “We know that it’s a tight race and the only poll that matters is on Election Day. But we’re ready to make history and be a strong voice at Queen’s Park,” said Schreiner.

What this means is that there is hope. It means that the MANY voters I talk to, most as a matter of fact, who feel that all 3 main parties are a hopeless cause and are voting by holding their nose AGAINST somebody they like even less, will soon see that the Green Party is a real option. Sadly, right now, although many of them, after looking at our policies and liking them, still consider a vote for us a 'wasted vote'. Of course, we know that this is a self fulfilling prophecy, but convincing them of that is nigh impossible.

Anyway, for those of you who have already been infected with hope, let's spend the next 3 days infecting our friends and neighbours with the greatest gift of all - hope.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Welcome to the Nanny State* of Ontario

Free. Free. Free. Whenever you hear that word in politics you should run away. Fast. Fast. Fast.
However, given that the Liberals have clearly demonstrated that a party can win elections, and then hang onto power for 15 years, by creating more and more expensive government programs, all three major parties are bending over backwards to give you ‘free stuff’ (NDP/Liberals) or equivalent reductions in taxes (PCs). Both approaches ensure that our world leading debt, which already consumes $1.1 billion each month just in interest payments, will continue to mushroom out of control.
The NDP promise free child care, free dental care, and free pharmacare. The Liberals have already created free tuition for low income families, propose free prescription drugs for seniors and of course have implemented the blatant bribe of a 25% cut in hydro bills using borrowed money that is projected to cost $21 billion in interest charges alone! Now, I am not against all of the above programs, only, I propose that we follow the agreement that my wife has with me: if I bring something new into the house something old has to be removed. While we’ve come to expect the above from the NDP and Liberals for this election the PCs seem to be no better.
As a matter of fact, Don Drummond, the former head of TD bank, said: “The PCs under Doug Ford would increase the deficit and debt more than any of the three main parties.” Furthermore, according to Tom Parkin’s article in the Toronto Sun, May 27: “The PC party cares so little it doesn’t even have a financial plan. It’s all funny-money magic. Doug Ford promises to give away billions in free money while increasing spending. He says his big tax cut for wealthy people won’t hurt health care. And somehow the budget will balance itself. 
It seems that the citizens of Carleton who still want a socially AND fiscally responsible government have nobody to vote for. The voters in Guelph are similarly frustrated but rather than whine they are making a bold choice in choosing to vote for the leader of the Green Party of Ontario, Mike Schreiner. He is, according to the polls, in first place in that riding! Perhaps it’s time for the voters in Carleton to shake the complacency of the ‘big three’ and protest similarly. Take a look at the Green Party’s platform at  and see if it delivers what you, the voter, wants: good public services that don’t increase our debt, and most importantly, don’t create a Nanny state, because remember folks, nothing is for free.
*The term Nanny state is a derogatory term of British origin that conveys the view that when government or its policies are overprotective or interfering unduly with personal choice they are treating their citizens like babies and have thus becomes the caregiver or nanny of its citizens.

Could the Greens Hold the Balance of Power?

According to a poll yesterday the PCs have exactly the minimum number of seats to form a majority government, but if they have one less they will have to form a coalition - the question is, with who?
“It seems that there is no appetite for a coalition in Ontario, or in Canada in general.”
Another thing that could make the aftermath of June 7’s election more interesting than usual is the possible presence of a Green MPP, party leader Mike Schreiner, who is running in Guelph.
Unusually for Ontario, Guelph was a four-way race in 2014, and a recent poll put Schreiner in the lead this time around !

Parliamentary math is unkind to the Greens. In Ontario’s 2007 election, they got over 354,000 votes across the province — more than the total population of Oshawa — and no seats at all. But concentrating on one or two winnable seats has been a better strategy for the party, as Elizabeth May showed in British Columbia, and Schreiner hopes to show in Guelph.
In a situation where the balance of power is in doubt and every vote counts, Schreiner could hold a lot of leverage over the NDP, Verrelli says.
So, to help this become reality you can help by phoning voters in Guelph by contacting and click on the volunteer button AND vote for you local candidate. Increasing our numbers everywhere makes us look more credible AND gives us $2.54 from Elections Ontario [as per new election funding law].