Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Time for a Nap

It's National Napping Day!
Don’t you wish that you could be that relaxed and comfortable?
So free or worries and cares?
You can, with great effort; to undertake the greatest challenge of all in today’s insanely paced, frenetic world: force yourself to take a nap.

Winston Churchill did. Albert Einstein did. Thomas Edison did. John F.Kennedy did. Leonardo di Vinci did. You get the idea. If you want to become part of this august circle of brainiacs; take a nap!

Scientists have shown that a 60- to 90-minute siesta can charge up the brain's batteries as much as eight hours tucked up in bed. “It’s only since the industrial revolution we have been obsessed with squeezing all our sleep into the night rather than having one or two sleeps through the day.” explains Vincent Walsh, professor of human brain research at University College London. Toddlers who are denied regular afternoon naps grow up into grumpier and moodier adults. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/8991930/Toddlers-grow-up-grumpy-without-an-afternoon-nap.html )

How long should you nap? Well, it depends, of course, upon how much time you have but also you nap requirements. According to Reddit:

Of course Reddit is not the most reliable source for good science and my long experience with napping has informed me that it totally depends upon my health. Your body knows what it needs. Some days I don’t nap at all (this is rare, if I miss my nap 2 days in a row I am in big trouble). Other days a 20 minute is fine while other days 90 minutes seems too short. (This has been my maximum.)

When should you nap?     Obvious most of us are limited by our work requirements. However, nap too early in the day and you may find it difficult to fall asleep; too late and it may affect your ability to fall asleep that night. Our energy levels normally dip between 1pm and 3pm. This is because we get a natural rise in the hormone melatonin (the sleep hormone, levels of which normally peak at night), so this is a good time to nap.

Are there tricks are there to help you nap? Probably, but rather than list them I think the best thing for you do is find out for yourself what works for you. Some people can nap with noise around, some cannot. Some need it dark, some can make do with an eye mask. Experiment. Eventually you will find a way.

Why be grumpy? Why be anxious? You have a choice! Slow down, get more done, become smarter, more relaxed, happier, more pleasant to be with, and here is the clincher; you live YEARS longer. The theory is that napping, by encouraging you to relax, reduces blood pressure. A study in Greece found that taking as few as three 30 minute naps per week can lower the risk of heart-related death by 37%, showing that naps really can make you live longer! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1363949/How-taking-catnap-helps-live-longer.html )

IF I still haven’t convinced try reading this book: Take a Nap! Change Your Life  by Sara C. Mednick, PhD, sleep expert. Yes, it’s true; I have discovered the elixir of life. The secret recipe for a long and healthy life – take a nap!

Don’t make a sad face – just take a nap!

Anywhere. Anytime. Short or long. Your boss, your friends, your spouse and your kids will be eternally grateful that your grumpy & mean alter ego is gone for good.