Saturday, 14 June 2014


Although we did not win a seat our % of the vote almost doubled to 5% across the province! Here in Nepean-Carleton we got 5.5% of the vote [3639] and I want to thank all of you who voted GREEN for voting for what you believe is the best platform.

Many people have asked me what is the 'take-away' from the election and I think it is this:
People vote AGAINST a party/leader/platform and mostly only for a party that they think can win their riding. That means the Liberals did not 'win' the election, the PCs LOST the election by having a terrible platform and a flawed leader. Furthermore the Liberals have no 'mandate', having earned only 38.7% of the popular vote!

Both of these observations point to the fact that we have a fundamentally flawed electoral process that MUST be improved or else we will continue voting in parties who will be unable to make the really deep structural changes Ontario needs to make to remain a prosperous and healthy place to live in the 21st century.

Now there is some good news:
1. More people voted; up from 48% last election to 51% this time
2. More people voted GREEN: we had around 3% last time and 5% this time
3. the PCs will have to modify their extreme 'tea party' brand of conservatism to something more palatable and centrist to win - that is good because eventually they will form a government

Once again - Thank You as we plan and gather resources for the next election 4 years from now.

Your GREEN candidate, Gordon Kubanek

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Why Voting Green is the smartest form of Strategic Voting

Voting Green gives you the most 'bang for your buck'. Why? Because every Green vote is telling the other parties that their simplistic platforms and political games are not working. Every Green vote sends a message: address our concerns OR ELSE....

2. Voting for what YOU WANT is the best way to get what you want. This seems obvious yet many voters somehow think that it's smarter to vote AGAINST a party or leader they don't like! Imagine living your whole live like that; "I choose burnt toast because even though I want whole wheat bread burnt toast is better than white bread untoasted" - what a terrible breakfast! What faulty logic! Beside, living your life against things rather than FOR what you believe is just a sad way to live.

3. Voting Green will impress your kids and neighbours. They may think you're crazy too but everybody will secretly respect you for your courage; especially if you can explain WHY you are voting Green. My neighbour thinks that I am wasting my time as a Green candidate but after a lively discussion he left with a grudging respect for my position. Frankly, it feels GOOD and makes you stronger when you are true to yourself.

4. And the best reason? Voting Green is infectious and eventually we will have Green MPPs in Ontario. A dream you say? They said we could never win a federal seat and now the federal Greens have 2 MPs ! Like everything worthwhile in life if you never give up you will eventually achieve your goals. We NEED Green MPs to restore sanity to Queen's park and to ensure that Ontario will have a bright future for all its citizens: and don't forget that includes the non-voting plants and animals who share this beautiful province with us.